Get Outdoors!

Food Plan

My Food Recommendations

Preparing a food plan for a large group on the trail can be difficult. Not only do you have to try and get a variety so that you are not eating the same thing, you also have to take into fact any food allergies any of your crew will have. But you also want to be able to buy in bulk so that you can try and save some money. Once I built out the meal plan, which is linked at the bottom, I then made a decision on where to purchase the food from. There are many places where you can bulk buy products, such as Sams, Costco and Amazon. I ended up choosing Amazon because the majority of the products were cheaper or close to the same as the other places, and they should deliver it all to my house!

Here are links to what I bought and how I put it together, click on the pictures.

Order list is for 12 people for 8 days


Granola Pack - 4 boxes (12 packs per box) - Estimated $68

Fig bar - 5 boxes (12 packs per box) - Estimated $35

Granola bar - 3 boxes (24 packs per box) - Estimated $33

Oatmeal - 1 box (24 packs per box) - Estimated $19

Estimated Cost = $155


Beef and Cheese - 4 boxes (16 packs per box) - Estimated $112

Tuna- 1 boxes (24 packs per box) - Estimated $47

Club Crackers - 8 boxes (9 packs per box) - Estimated $104

Peanut Butter - 1 boxes (64 packs per box) - Estimated $20

Jelly - 1 boxes (20 packs per box) - Estimated $15

Tortillas - 2 boxes (10 packs per box) - Estimated $14

Chicken Pack - 2 boxes (12 packs per box) - Estimated $36


Backpacking Meal - 42 meals - Estimated $462

Estimated Cost - 348

Nabisco Pack - 1 boxes (60 packs per box) - Estimated $26

Chips - 3 boxes (20 packs per box) - Estimated $33

Estimated Cost - $521

Shared in All Meals

Powder Drinks - 11 boxes (24 packs per box) - Estimated $132

Trail Mix - 5 boxes (28 packs per box) - Estimated $150

Fruit Snacks - 2 boxes (40 packs per box) - Estimated $18

Granola Bars - 2 boxes (45 packs per box) - Estimated $54

Estimated Cost - $354

Grand Total - $1,378 + tax

Per person - $115