A Father-Son Adventure: Backpacking Segments 15-20 of the Colorado Trail

As avid scouters, outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers, Liam and I continue our thrilling journey along the magnificent Colorado Trail. With each segment, we discover new landscapes, encounter remarkable challenges, and deepen our bond through shared experiences. In this trail journal, we invite you to join us as we recount our unforgettable backpacking expedition through segments 15-20 of this awe-inspiring trail.

Segment 15: US Hwy 50 to Clear Marshall Pass

With excitement and determination, Liam and I set foot on segment 15, eager to explore the breathtaking scenery that awaited us. The trail led us through dense forests, revealing occasional glimpses of towering peaks and shimmering alpine lakes. The first 6 miles of segment 15 had to be the wettest parts on the Colorado trail. The rugged terrain challenged our physical stamina, and when i say our, I really mean mine, as the old guy, but the serene beauty of the Colorado wilderness and the TONS of wildflowers made it all worthwhile.

Segment 16: Marshall Pass to Sargents Mesa

As we ventured into segment 16, the trail took us through expansive meadows adorned with vibrant wildflowers. Our journey took us on an exhilarating ride through diverse landscapes. After Windy Peak, we had to brace ourselves for a challenging descent with steep and rocky terrain. I found the steep downhills be the most challenging on my ankles. But don't worry, the trail eventually eased up and allowed us to follow a scenic ridgeline, crossing several small summits offering picturesque views.

As we ventured on, we were enchanted by an exceptionally beautiful Aspen Grove that we passed through. The trail then led us to the serene Tank Seven Creek. The trail presented us with breathtaking vistas of the surrounding peaks, a constant reminder of the grandeur that surrounded us. Our determination and perseverance fueled us as we conquered challenging climbs and celebrated each milestone.

Segment 17: Sargents Mesa to CO HWY 114

In segment 17, we experienced a true sense of solitude as we hiked through vast stretches of unspoiled wilderness. The trail led us along rolling hills and through picturesque valleys, where wildlife sightings added an extra touch of wonder to our adventure. Though long days of exposure to the sun definitely had its challenges and water was a lot more scarce in these areas. From Long Branch Baldy we were able to enjoy expansive views of all the mountain ranges. Today we stopped early as our friend Matt brought us our next resupply and some well desired pleasures of home.

Segment 18: CO HWY 114 to Saguache Park

Segment 18 treated us to an ever-changing landscape, filled with rugged mountain passes, dense forests, and sweeping meadows. We followed the undulating trail as it revealed breathtaking vistas of snow-capped peaks and lush valleys. Here we got a bit of a break from the large climbs as we traveled through the Cochetopa Hills. This is definitely ranch and cattle country with much more expansive views that we had been used to in the higher ridges.

Segment 19: Saquache Park to Eddiesville

As we embarked on segment 19, we were met with a sense of awe and wonder as the trail unfolded before us. We started our morning off with having to pull our boots off and cross a decent sized creek. We then entered the La Garita Wilderness where the views continues to have a vast openness to them, but as we climbed in elevation the views started get much more grand.

Segment 20: Eddiesville to San Luis Pass

In the final segment of this leg of our Colorado Trail adventure, we found ourselves immersed in a rugged and dramatic landscape. The trail took us through steep canyons and across rushing rivers, constantly reminding us of the untamed wilderness that surrounded us. As we neared the saddle with San Luis Peak nearby, a mix of emotions washed over us—pride, accomplishment, and a tinge of sadness as this part of our journey came to an end. We reflected on the memories we had created, the challenges we had overcome, and the invaluable time we had spent together.

Backpacking segments 15-20 of the Colorado Trail with Liam has been an extraordinary adventure, filled with breathtaking scenery, physical challenges, and cherished moments. This journey has allowed us to disconnect from the demands of everyday life and reconnect with nature and each other. As step-dad and son, we have grown closer, forging a bond that will last a lifetime.

Thru-hiking the Colorado Trail has taught us resilience, patience, and the importance of embracing the present moment. It has shown us the immense beauty that lies within our natural surroundings and the power of stepping outside our comfort zones. Each segment has gifted us with memories that we will carry in our hearts forever.

As we continue our trek, we eagerly look forward to the next chapters of our Colorado Trail adventure. We anticipate the challenges and triumphs that await us in the remaining segments, where new landscapes and experiences will unfold.

Join us as we push our limits, soak in the serenity of the wilderness, and celebrate the wonders of nature. Together, let's embark on this extraordinary journey, where the Colorado Trail becomes more than just a physical trail—it becomes a transformative pathway to self-discovery and an opportunity to forge everlasting memories.

So, lace up your hiking boots, grab your backpack, and follow along as Liam and I continue to explore the wonders of the Colorado Trail. Happy Trails!!


Conquering the Colorado Trail: A Father-Son Journey to Remember


A Father-Son Adventure: Backpacking Segments 10-14 of the Colorado Trail